Wednesday, June 4


In the few days before I make a temporary but crossroads-marking departure from America, I'd like to puncture a bit of the celebratory graduation mood while reminding myself of all the god damned bull shit that sometimes happens and not to erase the failures from my memory of New York.

Here's a list of all the things I resolved to do during my undergraduate years which I failed to do, or have failed to do yet. Let me know if I've missed anything!

become a professional trumpet player
become a professional jazz musician
learn how to shred
migrate to ubuntu
live cheaply for my whole undergrad
start budgeting
sleep around
finish Angband
memorize one of the bach violin partitas
practice the piano consistently
develop good fashion sense
destroy the Church
become Good at Cooking
learn to drive
cook an artichoke
save money
maintain a cast iron pan
keep my knife sharp
write stories or poetry consistently
write songs consistently
help the poor
organize the revolution
stay fit
not acquire more than 1 guitar
learn to sing
become a hardened city goer
learn how to rap
build a hardware instrument
go on a road trip
learn polish
become good at League of Legends
learn how to mix
learn how to DJ
get on the scene
get on a scene
win an award of some sort

wb :

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