delores in the living room
she's forgetting all the fables soon
but look at what they bought her
She tried to go out for awhile
and show the morning fog a smile
but fathers never reconcile
the darkness of the daughter
she made a penny of her rage
and inky menses dot her page
but calligraphics never caged
the warning winds of slaughter
But pay a thought to those before us
who never saw what you, Delores
saw within the rib of horrors
Death: you never sought her.
She tried to go out for awhile
and show the morning fog a smile
but fathers never reconcile
the darkness of the daughter
she made a penny of her rage
and inky menses dot her page
but calligraphics never caged
the warning winds of slaughter
But pay a thought to those before us
who never saw what you, Delores
saw within the rib of horrors
Death: you never sought her.