Saturday, June 25


Participate in the 100 words project. (Link is to the left) I've gone and used this as an excuse to force myself to write, so here's my 100 words for the 25th of june. I never edit, hardly ever delete a sentence that's been written, and blatantly flounce all rules of proper grammar and sentence-structure.

25th june, 2005

On the other hand. When you aren't sleepy thoughts become precise. Point one. Point two. Sub-point one point three point seven-six-five-four-two-nine-eight. Short sentences punctuated by anxious punctuating punctuation. It says Lucidity! Clarity! The breath of day is dry and light. Only brighter. Difficult to recede into the mist because there is so little of it. Adjectives, bah. Verbs, bah. Condense! Words are king and queen (and the rest) and never, ever artifically lengthen by using phrases like 'never ever' or allow a little madness to get in the way of short concise writing.


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