Wednesday, April 2

Purify my heart.

I've been unconsciously emo-ing myself into a hole these past few days, moping about in taxis and on buses, sulking around with my headphones in sunny KL, stuff like that. I dunno what it is. Maybe it's the quarter life identity crisis. I guess it is. I've been thinking about music. I've gotten quite jaded about jazz. I mean, face it. Jazz is in a rut. There haven't been any convincing acts (at least, none that I've seen) in the last 20 years at least. Fusion is a sad mess. Free jazz can't decide what it wants to do. The post-bop and Wynton's gang could never match coltrane's ideas and are stuck with pale imitations. I won't even get started on smooth jazz... I've just been to a wedding and that means Kenny G during the appetisers and Pachelbel set to a disgusting soft porn soundtrack during the main course. I guess it sucks that I might actually have to move on and do something else just as I was getting good at it. I'm tired of jazz.


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