Friday, March 6

The Boxer

One of the songs I really love is Simon and Garfunkel's 'The Boxer' not just because it's unusually intelligently and sensitively written but because it gets slowly, imperceptibly but insistently louder as it plays, growing from a quiet folksy ditty to a towering, reverb-drenched wall of multi-tracked orchestra. 

This usually allows me to use it to drown out people I don't want to talk to - 'Hey, do you listen to Simon & Garfunkel? This song's pretty cool, lemme put it on for me to hear...' 
'Yeah, I'm doing good, I'm in army now.... nope... don't believe I've heard of that movie... what's that? sorry I can't hear you LAI LA LAI. LAI LA LAI LAI LAI LAI LAI



Unknown said...

heh is that also why you like the velvet underground's heroin?

Anonymous said...

LOL. smart.

wb :

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