Friday, July 29

Writer's Blog

started a new blog at

for people I know who like (or try) to write, so we can have a space to post writings and get feedback and discussions. If you'd like to join, email me.


Thursday, July 28

wish I was you.

Wish I was you.

You are spirited, always excited by the challenges you seek every day. You recognise that you are your own limit, and your life is a series of goals to be achieved, each in defiance of the last. The knowledge that you are special does not escape you; it is your greatest ally in times of difficulty. You build your solutions out from yourself, relying on others only because you know that they are your extensions, just as you are theirs. You believe you are destined for greatness; this belief is not a prophecy but a mantra in your aspirations, each day pushing to new heights.


Wednesday, July 27

wish I was you.

Wish I was you.

You are powerful. You see the world as it is in all its intricacies and you refuse to lose yourself even as you navigate the wash of constantly changing trends. In the toughest of crises you prevail with indomitable strength that will not back down and will not change because you know that you can make it. You are never embarrassed to be different because you understand of all people that you, like everyone, have a power to succeed and you of all people know how to wield it. You are passionate and energetic in everything because you refuse to be held back by expectations and opinions.


wish I was you.

Wish I was you.
You are intelligent. Your success is not the product of some freak accident, but the accumulation of years of dedication. You wrestle with principles, but that makes you strong because nobody can topple what you think is right. Because of that you hold a rare sincerity that means you value everything but refuse to be subverted by the inane, and the unfounded criticism of others. You are one of the few who is constantly bewildered by everything, and you take solace in the fact that you yourself are bewildering, as is the spark of beauty you find in yourself and everyone.

Monday, July 25

hate no.2

2. Technology
I despise technology with a passion. I hate it with all the sullen fiery-ness that a desert hates water. And yes, contrary to popular belief, deserts do not 'thirst' for water or anything of the sort. They hate it, that's why it's so dry.
Last month during RMUN the IT department (whom I firmly believe are some secret devil-worshipping cult) issued me a centuries-old laptop. It's called a Compaq Armada, in some sad tribute to the resilience that it obviously lacks. The first couldn't start up. Hong Quan made a trip back and demanded a replacement, which promptly crashed after five minutes of work. The third crashed when I plugged my ipod into it to store files on, and grudgingly started up when plugged into a power socket.
Also, it's the only computer i've known to actually lag seriously on microsoft word.
What gives?
But there's more. Within the last year, i've had to get a replacement for my palm (which crashed within 2 weeks of purchase), had to deal with a millenia-old phone which won't register if you press a button more than twice in a second, had to reformat my virus-plagued computer, and finally had to repair my NEW handphone which crashed within two weeks of purchase.
There's more!
The computers and printers in the library have caused me to lose my stored data at least 3 times now, and have forced me to waste $2.50 of my money printing out 5 copies of somebody else's multi-colored social studies report. Also, the internet only works sporadically, with healthy encouragement in the form of good solid thwacks.
Computers are the sort of thing spawned by the twisted minds of centuries of bureaucracy and customer service, built only to make sure you get nothing done, and go bleep when they do so.
You know what else I hate about technology? EVERYTHING. I say go back to good ol' hammer, chisel and tablet. At least they don't go bleep.


Sunday, July 24

hate list!

Ever had one of those where everything screws up for you and you really start to despise the world, deep down somewhere?
Well, today isn't one of them. However, I've taken the liberty of compiling the lists of the things that pop up on my 'hate' list whenever these days happen.


1. Simple Plan
Without offense to the band members, Simple plan is the worst music conceivable to mankind. Simple plan is not just a joke, it is an insult to music, and a pathetic one at that. To those less mathematically inclined, I would like to just point out that there are only three different ways to play chords I, IV and V and no matter how you juggle them it gets nauseating after awhile. And that's just the music.
The lyrics are without doubt the worst lyrics - now I won't say 'in the whole world' because i've definitely heard worse somewhere - to make it into the popular music culture. Drab, whiney, teenage-angst, oh-god-hates-me-life-sucks bad. I'm serious. After listening to some tracks that's about all I can distill from their songs. I starve for adjectives.
Yes, Simple plan in all it's off-tune, unimaginative, angsty-oh-my-life-sucks-so-bad-please-pity-me-by-buying-my-records glory has to make it to the top of my list.
To all you simple plan fans out there, you can damn well go stick your head in a pig or something suitably offensive.

more to come.


Wednesday, July 6

words for july

Just started my official batch of words for the month of july, so I won't be posting them here. When the month is over i'll give a link to all of them.

I encourage anybody who's interested to try, though, it's an amazing excercise in discipline and writing.

- adam

wb :

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