Wednesday, March 8

The RJ band concert and jazz performance at Suntec are looming. Sometimes (when it's really quiet) I think that I've really gone in the deep end and I'm going to drown in my stupidstupidstupid commitments. NO! I'm sick of being useless. I'm going to get something done, even if it kills me.

In other news, jazz today didn't happen, because the J2s had some surprise GP common test (just how do you achieve that?) but I showed up anyway with my guitar and jammed a bit with huang lu and kelly. I think (despite what he says) huanglu's picking up the bass pretty quickly - I've asked him to join my band already since terence is giving up. So far the lineup is
Jian Wei - drums
Huang lu - bass
Myself - guitar
- making for a nice power trio. Now we just need to round off with a vocalist... i'm not necessarily looking for quality of voice here. RJC has plenty of good singers, but scarce few frontmen. I need a frontman. Charisma, personality, and if you can scream like Kurt Cobain, that's a bonus too. We're playing mostly blues, maybe a bit of early rock, but I want music to stay focused on one thing at a time.
All of the above is subject to change. If anyone is interested in fronting for my band, you can tag here or email me.


wb :

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