Tuesday, May 30

uncampable! haha.

CCAL camp was a rush, of mud and rain and seawater and stick-like things. I think I shall not recount the happenings, so as to allow epic verbal recountage, but it was very, very fun.

Group D3, you guys made the experience possible. I think we sort of clicked earlier on, and we just drove each other with humongous enthusiasm. If there's one quality i respect more than any other it's enthusiasm - not bubbly haha enthusiasm but seriously putting your entire being into the one thing you love. That's enthusiasm, and we all somehow know that.

Having been through a number of camps/similar programs I'm actually quite cynical about the whole 'team spirit' thing. I don't believe that people somehow magically click and work together as a team without months if not years of knowing each other.

So. I won't say we'll be wonderful friends. I won't say we'll never forget each other. I say we might, but for group D3 my cynicism was tempered with a lot of respect for you all. It was a good 4 days, we cheered and we achieved, but the journey starts now I guess. We WILL keep in contact, and at the end of this year at least I hope to call you all friends.

Verbose thanks are directed at QM James Lee, who is an inspiration to me, and i have immense respect for. Thank you for the letter. You embody all the qualities of leadership that we were supposed to learn in camp, and I know you're a much better person than I'll ever be. I suspect I'll eventually fumble my way through with Jazz Club, but you'll succeed whatever it is you're doing.

For the last time maybe, D3 power! Will see you all in school... for now it's back to the jazz.

wb :

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