Tuesday, February 26

I guess I should update.

It's been a wild week. It started on thursday with dance classes and social dancing at 9. That was fun, even if I can't exactly dance properly. Friday was SEA jam. I took a beginner's class taught by Frankie Manning himself, which was pretty enlightening. Other than that, my lack of experience kind of prevented me from dancing a hell lot so I got out after that. Shall go next year and murder my legs.

Saturday was Kelly's party. THAT was wild. We all got drunk (except hyqel.) and spent a few hours malingering in a park. People are -very- funny when high.

Sunday was teaching Cathechism class with the LoGgers O.o that was also wild in a different sort of way. P4 kids are no joke. Justin Sim, you are a brave brave man. Later on I went to southbridge in a sort of fatigued haze. I believe I played a total train wrecked 'Milestones' and then I called 'That's All' which went rather well. The mojito definitely contributed to my guitar histrionics.

Yesterday was the Ben n Jerry's audition. That sucked. I think we played pretty alright but evidently they were looking for more of a pop band so I think i'm giving up on that gig.

Today I am unbelievably exhausted and a little emotionally drained. Okay, very emotionally drained. I think I'll stay home.


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