Friday, February 29

I've realised what's different now from the last 18 years of my life - I've never been this alone. Every day of my life was always begun to the promise of going to school and meeting classmates who for all that they annoyed me, were genuinely interesting people (for the most part). We had to spend all our time together, for better or for worse. Now there's no such assurance.

On the MRT today I was struck by how I've navigated my own course for now, and nobody's following me through it - no classmates, CCA mates, church friends. Just me. There are moments of fleeting contact - running into friends on the bus. After hours jam sessions. Going back to RJ to teach the juniors. But it's not the same - I'm aware that my life momentarily occupies the same space as someone else's, and will inevitably lead me back to other places.

Being me, I enjoy the solitude but I'm also a little lonely.


1 comment:

kelly. said...

hahah, if you need more excitement in your life, hold a house party! XP one as wild as mine, though i really wasn't expecting the cosy rendezvous at my place to turn out like that.

see you at southbridge, sunday? (:

wb :

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