Wednesday, July 26

In one fell swoop I will shatter the chains of tradition, and prove to the world that I have no life.

I will blog because I'm happy.

I am inexplicably happy - it's like there are a million things that happened today, none of which would justify having a good day (in fact it was rather terrible, adding to the inexplicability) on its own, and ...

I guess in total it just makes you happy, which, as I have established in previous, angst-filled diatribes, is rare. The world is good, creation is good, and wonderful and colourful and even processed air feels alive, like there's a little song and a little story in every note of a cricket's call

or the sound of the TV outside, that's someone's story too. And all the little stories they add up and you can feel them humming on the air, and with a contented sigh you let back your strained eyes and know for sure that your story... MY story... is up there, in the air, and somewhere is making someone else happy as well.


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