Saturday, September 13

more rock n roll.

Found a new joy surfing the web last week : The Breeders.
Basically Kim Deal (who is the sexiest person alive) decided to have a side project and The Breeders turned up. You can hear what she tried to do with the Pixies only was sidelined by Frank Black. It's angry, loud stoner rock and her abilities as a lyricist are nothing to be scoffed at.

When I was a painter, I painted you well
Too bad I have to die
You brought the essentials - perversion, appeal
and many lovers at one time.

On the more philosophical note, could it be the reason music fascinates me is that it represents an impenetrable system? My thinking is largely rooted in the idea of systems, an internally consistent set of logic and rules. I interpret science, math and much of the arts according to systems. Yet music, if delved deeply enough into, never reveals a system - the flaw is obviously in my own thinking, but I guess what I can't know intrigues me intensely. What system governs artistic appreciation? What about artistic merit? I insist there must be one for any kind of quality to be measured (art is not subjective, although taste is), and instinctively, 'quality' as a parameter DOES exist (there is good art and bad art). Yet the system for 'art' has never been adequately quantified in a way understandable by more than a few specific people. Despite this fact, high-quality art has been produced almost consistently over the centuries by every culture. Does this imply a subconscious system? I believe it does, but that doesn't mean that logical thinking will not reveal it. And if it is ever revealed, I am sure it will not be trivial enough to devalue art.


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