Monday, January 3

First day of school.

It wasn't that bad, for all the cringing and hoping I wouldn't die today. I didn't, as seems pretty evident, but for those slack-brained amongst you I shall spell it out.
On a good note, I've dropped all my advanced modules except one, being Chemistry, which I hate, but I never liked advanced physics and maths any better.
Had a rehearsal straight after school, which is really a bummer on the first day... but it wasn't so bad because 1) Our conductor wasn't there to scream at me for not practicing, and 2) we're actually practicing for the Raffles Trail, which is this big event where we advertise our CCAs to the little sec 1s, shortly after which we devour them. I mean, recruit the interested parties. We're playing some hideous monstrosity of "Glory Days' from The Incredibles soundtrack arranged by Goh Zhaohan. (I'm sorry Zh.) AND i'm being made to play second violin principal. But all the same it was fun... can't say I didn't enjoy screaming at people to read the key-signature.

Now that i'm writing this I'm wondering what I always wonder when I read peoples' blogs...
Who the fuck wants to know about my life? I mean, seriously! Don't you have more enlightening things to be reading? Well all the same I'm an entertaining person and my life must be exceptionally entertaining, so I guess it's alright.

Oh yes. Go to ... the best idea some half-drunk bunch of crazed witless nerds have come up with this side of the century.

Listening to: Bits and pieces of various music going through my head. Tchaikovsky Serenade! And that obscene Incredibles thingie.

1 comment:

fiveless said...

oh no. adam reads 100w. Oo"

wb :

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