Saturday, January 1

New year

Another new year. Time really starts to zip around your head when you're not paying attention, and then one more year's over and you're left wondering where your past 12 months really went. Well, mostly it was crap, trying to do too many things at once and frantically zipping around, but fun.

I guess another year would mean ... further responsibilities, further things that I don't know how to deal with, further assorted mayhem... all of which is incredibly vague. To tell the truth, I just don't knows, but I've decided to stop worrying about all the shit that's headed my way next year.
After all, even I'm not immune to a little new year cheer. I guess there's only so much you can sit around and worry, and then you just have to dive in.

'05 won't know what hit it.


Listening to: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. Take that, Rayner!

1 comment:

teri said...

YAY! New yr! Pls update more often!! Talk abt yourself!

wb :

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